Tuesday, January 29, 2008

CouLd I diE toDaY?

This post is going to seem somewhat morbid but I don't mean it to be. But in the past two days, I keep waiting for our building to collapse. With the construction below and next door, our building has been shaking and trembling like a banshee. Sometimes it's so bad people around me yelp or it becomes a topic of conversation. Other times, everyone just continues doing what they're doing - almost as if they didn't even notice. But it's becoming increasingly bad. As I sit in meetings or at my desk, I look around and wonder could one second be normal, everyday life and the next second the floor dissolves underneath us? In moments like those, do you know you're going to die or does it just happen? Can you feel yourself fall? Was someone in the World Trade Center sitting in a conference room watching a plane come closer and closer to their window and realize what was happening before it happened? Or do we all just peacefully and instantaneously die without the nanosecond of fright or seeing our lives flash before our eyes? The shaking doesn't scare me. It's kind of exciting. I'm just curious, that's all.

1 comment:

Matt said...

For some reason, this post makes me hum 'A moment like this' by Kelly Clarkson.