Monday, December 15, 2008

"...iN tHEsE cRaZY tiMes..."

This is my go-to line for anything that doesn't make sense lately. For example:
  • "In these crazy times I'll drink anything that's put in front of me."
  • "I'll steal people's lunches out of the fridge in these crazy times."
  • "Just get on those people's tab. These here are crazy times..."
  • "In these crazy times, I just gotta be friends with whoever's left."
  • "So what if the burger is burnt. These are crazy times and it's only $2.95."
  • "You get a chaser that's the same size as the actual bloody mary. You can't go wrong in these crazy times!"
  • "In these crazy times I even ate a cold meatball."
  • "In these crazy times you just have to steal whenever you can."
  • "I should have saved his number." "Yeah but that would be creepy." "Yeah but in these crazy times..."

HoT LiKe a hOt dOG.