As I was sitting at lunch yesterday, I couldn't help but notice the perfection of the Jimmy John's hoagies. Apparently you can buy just the bread. When I lived in London, there was a sandwich place a few blocks away from where I lived and it was amazing - Raison d'Etre. I've been thinking about this sandwich ever since. It had fresh mozerella, mayo, tomatoes, ham, etc. All in this delicious french bread/hoagie. I think I am going to try to recreate this sandwich with the JJ's bread. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
CouLd I diE toDaY?
This post is going to seem somewhat morbid but I don't mean it to be. But in the past two days, I keep waiting for our building to collapse. With the construction below and next door, our building has been shaking and trembling like a banshee. Sometimes it's so bad people around me yelp or it becomes a topic of conversation. Other times, everyone just continues doing what they're doing - almost as if they didn't even notice. But it's becoming increasingly bad. As I sit in meetings or at my desk, I look around and wonder could one second be normal, everyday life and the next second the floor dissolves underneath us? In moments like those, do you know you're going to die or does it just happen? Can you feel yourself fall? Was someone in the World Trade Center sitting in a conference room watching a plane come closer and closer to their window and realize what was happening before it happened? Or do we all just peacefully and instantaneously die without the nanosecond of fright or seeing our lives flash before our eyes? The shaking doesn't scare me. It's kind of exciting. I'm just curious, that's all.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
youR oPiNioN iS NeeDeD
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
THe TiMe Has cOMe...
I need to discuss my face and set the record straight. Once again, I got called out today on having a weird look on my face. I won't even say the word that was used today but it's not good. The problem is, you see, is that I don't have the best vision but yet I refuse to get glasses (too expensive) or contacts (too much of a hassle - especially if I am drunk). Therefore, if I'm in large meeting rooms or large areas for that matter, I tend to squint. Also, if I'm focusing really hard one one person and listening intently, I scrunch my face. I don't realize I'm doing this at the time but people consistently think I'm angry or that something is wrong. It's not.
On a side note - do you know how many people randomly stop me on the street or yell out to me "smile!"? A lot. It bugs the shit out of me. A)I don't know you and B)don't we all make fun of those people who walk down the street with a smile on their face? I do. They might as well be skipping.
I worked at a bar in college. I had applied to be a waitress but they stuck me as bartender from 3-8 on Wednesday nights. It wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I was the ONLY person "on duty" at the time and I was supposed to run the games (including outdoor volleyball), make food(!?!?!?!?), and tend bar. I know how to pour beer and make vodka tonics but that's pretty much it. I was always so scared someone was going to order food or ask me to do something I had no idea what or where it was. Luckily most of the time it was just regulars (old men) who drank beer, never ate and tipped me really well. Anyway, they called me Sunshine because I never smiled. I was nervous! I quit that job within two months.
On a side note - do you know how many people randomly stop me on the street or yell out to me "smile!"? A lot. It bugs the shit out of me. A)I don't know you and B)don't we all make fun of those people who walk down the street with a smile on their face? I do. They might as well be skipping.
I worked at a bar in college. I had applied to be a waitress but they stuck me as bartender from 3-8 on Wednesday nights. It wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I was the ONLY person "on duty" at the time and I was supposed to run the games (including outdoor volleyball), make food(!?!?!?!?), and tend bar. I know how to pour beer and make vodka tonics but that's pretty much it. I was always so scared someone was going to order food or ask me to do something I had no idea what or where it was. Luckily most of the time it was just regulars (old men) who drank beer, never ate and tipped me really well. Anyway, they called me Sunshine because I never smiled. I was nervous! I quit that job within two months.
Monday, January 21, 2008
DoN't Stop BeLieVing

Drinks. They always get me in trouble. On Friday night I decided to do Karaoke, which I NEVER do. To a live band with no lyrics no less! Good thing I know most of Journey and had a trio. But hmmm... who did I run into at the bar? People my dad works with. The pictures you see are pictures they apparently took and sent to my dad. Embarrassing. 

Friday, January 18, 2008
It's just as it sounds - negative. Don't get me wrong - I'm quite used to Negator complaining about one thing or another but today was particularly bad. The goal was to have hangover food (i know, i know - she wasn't hungover but it's not my fault she chooses to leave the bar at 6p). Originally we had plans to go to Hams (see first blog) but once Matt and Doug decided we needed a burger, Ikes it was. So she was all about ditching Hams and going to Ikes. We should have known it would be a long wait at Ikes. Their burgers are fantastic. Plus it's freezing outside. So we ended up at Glueks. And who complained the entire time -that's right, Negator. THE ENTIRE TIME. When you're in a group of people and everyone else is laughing while one person is sitting there bitching the entire time, it's not rocket science to figure out how she got her name.
The name Negator reminds me of a dinosaur. Not sure why. But I do love dinosaurs.
To quote Kevin McAllister : I had a friend who got nailed because there was a rumor he wore dinosaur pajamas.
The name Negator reminds me of a dinosaur. Not sure why. But I do love dinosaurs.
To quote Kevin McAllister : I had a friend who got nailed because there was a rumor he wore dinosaur pajamas.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
tHouGhTs oF tHe DaY
- Drinking is the cause and solution to all my problems. But damn I love a good Cuban Martini. Thanks boys from detroit!
- I think I could listen to the theme song from Dallas all day long. But I would probably drive Linda and Chenney crazy.
- I'm having a great time playing Scrabulous today. My Grandpa would be so proud.
- I'm still beating Jesse at our long-standing cribbage tournament. My other Grandpa would be so proud.
- I wish I was a bird and could fly south for the winter.
- Despite the cold, I'm still in the mood for a DQ Blizzard right now.
- "The Birds" movie is ssssssscary!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Recently I bought an owl necklace. I showed Matt today and he told me he likes my hooter.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
TruST mE

If you know me at all, you will know that the second I get into work, I'm already thinking about lunch. While I am trying to eat better/save money, let's be realistic here... However, in this blog, I'm not so much thinking about today's lunch but just food in general. Which leads me to the best pizza place in the world - ROCKY ROCOCOS. If any of you have had their Italian sausage pizza, you are already agreeing with me. In fact, recently I have had some bonding experiences with others regarding this very pizza. For others, they can only imagine this perfection based on my other pizza recommendations (i.e. the infamous pokey stix). I grew up with this pizza. I'm not going to lie - my brother even had a birthday party there. I think he still has the t-shirt. But slowly, each Rocky Rococos in the Twin Cities started to shut down. I know this because my mom and I used to show up at these establishments only to find out we would be deprived of this delicacy. First Eden Praire closed, then Southtown, then Dinkytown. However, there is one location that remains alive and (kind of) kicking. Granted you have to drive through the ghetto to get there but good ol' Brooklyn Park remains true to my soul. Each time I show up, I close my eyes and pray that it has not been shut down. When I open them, once the Aldi's moves out of the way, that's when I see the treasure. I would love to say I only get one piece (they're large & square after all), but I just can't say no to a second piece. Rocky Rococos will always hold a special place in my heart (my mom knows just how much - wink, wink). Did you know that I actually entered a contest there writing a 500-word essay on "why I love Rocky Rococos?" 500-words is not a lot when you have as much to say about this place as I do. This was just two years ago. No joke. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The point is, next time I go to Rocky Rococos, you should come with me. You'll love it (if you don't already).
Monday, January 14, 2008
iT's BeeN a bLoG tiME.
In the past day, there are three things I can't stop thinking about...
- A good sandwich, which I got on Saturday at my favorite deli, HAMS. I recommend the "design your own" sandwich. That way you can get exactly what you want. They let you choose EVERYTHING and it's all super fresh. I'm going back next weekend.
- Caramel CRUNCH bars. They remind me of this candy bar that I used to sell back in Elementary school that I couldn't get enough of. I ate all of the bars I was supposed to be selling.
- The new freeway, 312. It's fantastic.
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