Tuesday, February 5, 2008

WhaT DoEs YOUR bEd LooK LiKe?

So I got in an interesting conversation last night at bowling (which by the way were some of the worst games I've bowled in my life). Why are girls' beds always nicer than boys's beds? Sleeping is something we have in common. There is no difference in the way girls sleep or the way boys sleep. I've heard girls snore with the best of them. And I'm not saying this is a good thing. Nonetheless, do girls just like to be more comfortable? We always have big down comforters, fluffy pillows, high beds, etc. Boys barely have more than one sheet. And what's the point in having a pillow if it's super flat? You boys are always sprawled out in your recliners, scratching your balls and whatnot. Why not be as comfortable in your bed as you are on your couch? What gives?

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