Tuesday, April 22, 2008

tHE dRuNk eBaYeR stRiKeS aGaiN

First of all, I love random going out nights. Not sure what it is but those always end up being the most fun. So last night, after a quick beer turned into all night drinking, sushi-ing and getting drenched in the rain, I went home and proceeding to do some things that I had forgotten about until this morning. Email. The Phone. They are the devil! But only because when I get drunk, I usually can't remember what I said/did until someone reminds me. Someone - or something. Like all the emails in my inbox saying "congratulations! you won..." Luckily what I bought I like. Luckily my response to a friend letting me know she's pregnant was not horrible. Luckily I ran out of pistachios so I didn't wake up to shells everywhere.

On another topic, this woman I sit next to just bought a case of this low sodium soup on the internet and cardboard containers they are in are piled up on the shelf in between us. The problem is that these containers look EXACTLY like Ben & Jerry's ice cream containers - colorful, same size, same fonts, etc. And they just stare at me. All day long.

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