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My family always jokes that my Dad's middle name is "don't inconvenience me." However, a couple years ago, he went to the grocery store and got all the ingredients to make himself a Mint Julep for the Kentucky Derby. Watching him make the simple syrup for this drink was super hilarious. For those of you who don't know, making simple syrup is kind of a process. So it was the fact that he was taking the time to do this (from scratch) just to have his themed drink for the race was what made it so funny.
My point? Grocery stores are usually out of mint during this weekend so if you, too, would like to make a Mint Julep for this occasion, I suggest planning ahead. That, or raid someone's garden.
Two of my friends just moved in together. One is tall. One is short. They remind me of one of my favorite books growing up, "Big Dog, Little Dog." Ted was short. Fred was tall. Ted liked red. Fred liked green. Ted cleaned the floors. Fred painted the ceiling.
Now fast forward to my friends, Ted & Fred. Fred puts the booze above the fridge. Ted puts the veggies in their drawer. Ted is little in the big room. Fred is big in the little room. Ted likes shots. Fred likes pints. You should see when they go camping.
The drinking involved with DOUG ON VACATION has gotten pretty crazy. And late night happy hours always pose the driving dilemma. However, Heath has just informed us that in South Dakota, they just passed a law that it is okay to drive your horse home while drunk. He ALSO offered to give us a ride after the next happy hour.
First of all, I love random going out nights. Not sure what it is but those always end up being the most fun. So last night, after a quick beer turned into all night drinking, sushi-ing and getting drenched in the rain, I went home and proceeding to do some things that I had forgotten about until this morning. Email. The Phone. They are the devil! But only because when I get drunk, I usually can't remember what I said/did until someone reminds me. Someone - or something. Like all the emails in my inbox saying "congratulations! you won..." Luckily what I bought I like. Luckily my response to a friend letting me know she's pregnant was not horrible. Luckily I ran out of pistachios so I didn't wake up to shells everywhere.On another topic, this woman I sit next to just bought a case of this low sodium soup on the internet and cardboard containers they are in are piled up on the shelf in between us. The problem is that these containers look EXACTLY like Ben & Jerry's ice cream containers - colorful, same size, same fonts, etc. And they just stare at me. All day long.
This damn flag promo for Harley is killing me. It has been the bane of my existence for the past few weeks. Anyway, they called today wanting to know the font of the flag type is for their crappy online agency and guess what the title of the font is...."You are loved - regular." HA!
After another shitty day at work full of bad news, I come home to read my celebrity gossip and get the worst news of all. THE GOLDEN GIRLS WILL NOT BE SHOWN ON LIFETIME ANYMORE. You have NO idea how much this depresses and affects me. The Golden Girls is quite possibly my favorite show on TV. First of all, you can't go wrong with old ladies talking about sex and ripping on each other for being old. Second of all, I watch this show every night before I go to bed. It's my escape. The only downside is it didn't always help me fall asleep because I'd be giggling throughout both episodes. I looked forward to this every night. In fact, I used to go to bed earlier until I fell in love with the show and purposely stayed up late just to watch it. This is a tragedy. Wishing I could sink into oblivion right now...
So my sister and her friends got enough guts today to use a fake at a liquor store. I remember when I was in high school one of my best friends got her cousins ID and just about every other day, we would drive down to this ghetto liquor store across from Valleyfair and buy booze. She'd dress up in black hoochie boots, a short skirt and get her giggle on. As the rest of us waited in the car, I remember seeing her walk out of the liquor store literally pushing carts of alcohol. Those days make me smile...

Funny side note: while searching on flickr for "bathtub and boat" I came across this: