Randomly tonight, I remembered how much I used to like playing Flight of the Bumblebee on the piano when I was little. So when searching for a You Tube video, I came across this Guitar Hero version! I didn't even know they made that. But considering I always get booed off stage during my Guitar Hero attempts, I think I'll just enjoy this from afar.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
BeeR BottLe aNd sPoNGe
This morning my boyfriend tried it out for the first time and loved it. Damn he looks hot in those sunglasses.
Monday, March 24, 2008
WHaT i LeaRNeD iN HaWaii
- Waterslides are still fun at this age.
- I think I'm losing pigment in my feet. They were barely getting tan at all. My family called me 'boots' all week.
- The more I travel, the more I am reminded how much I hate Minnesota. Every part of Hawaii looked like a postcard. Every part of Minnesota looks like a nightmare.
- Kauai is the wettest place on earth. Next time I go, I am shaving my head beforehand. No, really.
- My love for wind is confirmed. Granted, it needs to be warm wind but it's great. Not only does it keep you cool but it lets you smell the ocean breeze, flowers, etc. Granted you need to be in a nice smelling place but it's great. Okay - so there are some prerequisites but all-in-all, I love wind.
- Caramel Crunch bars are just as good in Hawaii as they are here.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
wHeN sHouLd i EAt mY sHiRt?
I bought a shirt on Ebay. Not just any shirt. A shirt made from soy. I wouldn’t have noticed except poor Matt got stuck sitting next to me at the bar while I was shopping on Ebay with his iPhone. BUT, since he’s SO SMART, he pointed out the amazing fact that I could eat my shirt. I love food so I’m wondering if deep down, I knew exactly what I was bidding on. But now that has me thinking of my next purchase. Should I go completely organic? Edible underwear perhaps? Candy necklaces? Hemp bracelets? Or maybe I should keep this shirt in my car in case I ever go off the road and am stuck in there for days without any food. My mom would be so proud. She’s always making sure I have the proper equipment in my car of any sort of emergency. Trust me. And I actually had it all until some fucking ass hole broke into my car and stole it all. Anyway, I digress. Shirts you can eat are awesome.
Friday, March 7, 2008
WhO's mOvE iS iT?

Recently, I've taken up playing battleship on Facebook. The way the game is set up online, reminds me exactly how work feels lately. Instead of saying "your turn," it tells you who is waiting for who. "Waiting for Britta." "Britta is waiting on you." "Andrea is waiting on you." You get the point. At work, I am waiting for Britta. She is waiting for me. Who's move is it? Back and forth, back and forth. All day long. One difference though. When a boat blows up in battleship, it's a good thing. You're getting close to the end. When a boat blows up at work, it's quite another.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Dear Stranger living under my bed,
I could handle you taking all the paper towels and eating my bananas. I could even handle when you hit your head under my bed while I was trying to sleep. Granted, I had just finished watching a scary episode of Dexter so I was a little on edge but nonetheless, I felt it. I know you're living under my bed but I'm too scared to look and kick you out. I hadn't heard from you in a few days so I thought you had maybe left but I come home tonight to find you've changed the channel on the TV in my room??? I specifically remember falling asleep to Golden Girls last night. That is NOT on Fox. I also saw all the muddy footprints that you brought in. I at least try to step on the rug every time I walk in the door. Next time you're out, can you at least do me the favor of buying more milk? We're out.
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