Sunday, October 4, 2009

tHe noT-So-sEcRetiVe sTaLKeR

A friend was telling me a story the other day about how someone from college contacted her on Facebook and started up an email conversation. Seeing they had a few friends in common, she figured she was just drawing a blank on who he was. After a few emails back and forth, she finally asked him how she knew him. Turns out, they were not friends but he openly admitted he had a crush and pretty much stalked her throughout college. So is it better that he admitted it so casually or is it weird to be that upfront about something like that? Our conversation turned into us guessing what he might say next.
  • "When I was digging through your garbage the other day I saw a receipt from that new restaurant. Would you recommend anything specific on the menu?"
  • "So I see you have a few overdue library books. Would you like me to return them for you while I'm in your neighborhood?"
  • "I was watching you with my night vision goggles last night and saw that you sleep with two teddy bears. Have you had those since you were little?"
  • "I really love those Facebook pictures you were uploading at 11:42am. That must be a new sweater."
  • "I can't believe how many awards show up when I do a Google search of you. Are you so talented."
  • "I ordered a copy of your high school yearbook. I can't believe how expensive shipping is lately!"

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