Friday, October 2, 2009

mY LiFE iS a viDEo GaME

There are moments in my life where I've felt like I was in a video game.
  • Italians are insane drivers. It doesn't help that the roads are super narrow, cobblestone and go every which way. Try being drunk in the back of a cab as the cabbie weaves in and out of traffic at full speed. It felt like I was actually in a race car of a video game. Being drunk helped me from not totally panicking because I knew if we crashed, it would be one of those instances where the car would launch and do a bunch of flips in the air before crashing down.
  • I live close to work so I always walk. I've gotten to know the patterns of all the stoplights and traffic. I'm pretty impatient when it comes to waiting for "the right of way" so I ignore it. Basically I feel like I'm playing real life Frogger.

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