Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HaVE yOU bEEN iNjuReD iN a saNdWicH aCCiDeNt?

If so, you need to call Holtz and Buddies: Attorneys at Law. We'll assess the damage, pull some numbers together and see if you're entitled to a settlement. We're straight shooters. This is all we do and we do it well.

Please call:

"We'll take a bite out of crime. AND your sandwich!"

1 comment:

Iceberg768 said...

Please represent me. On a cold April 7th night, I was minding my own business eating a delicious sandwich when I notice a slight pain in my stomach. I thought nothign of it, but with each bite I felt more pain. Finally, on the last bite I fell to the ground as the pain felt like a thousand tiny little boxers where punching the inside of my stomach. The next day, I went to the Dr and he feared the worst. Instead of muenster cheese the grocery store sold me "Monster cheese". Now my stomach was being taking over by little monsters! I want to sue the entire grocery store as now I'm force to eat nothing but dirt. Plus, if I eat after midnight I will turn into a Gremlin! HELP!!