Monday, August 18, 2008

aT BattLe. wiTHoUt a pRaYeR.

I am at war with a spider. A very smart spider. Some of you know I don't drive my car very often. But in the last month, every time I come out to my car, there is a giant spider web reaching from my drivers side mirror to the driver side window. It wouldn't be a huge deal if it were anywhere else but I love driving with my window down. I figured I park next to a brick wall in an alley - must be spider alley. Turns out, not true. While getting gas the other day, an ugly, giant spider came out from behind the side mirror. Ah ha! Time for a car wash. That will get rid of him. Nope. Giant spider web next day. Time to aim the hose straight at the mirror and wash him out. That will get rid of him. Nope. Giant spider web next day. Time to go to the bar. As I'm driving home, a baby spider crawls out! So I flick him off. This smart (and what i have to assume is a mama spider) is now sending the babies to do the dirty work. This does not bode well for me. How will I ever get rid of her if I can't get at her???

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