Thursday, July 10, 2008

RaReLy dO i pOsT...

...a serious blog but today I need to. There are some projects we fight tooth and nail on with the client. It gets to the point where something is so watered down, so far from the initial concept or totally client directed, that I wish we could do our version the way we want and the client could do the version they want. We would run them in the same pubs/tv stations/whatever and somehow test the different creative. I am most certain that ours would be WAY better than the client's from not only a creative aspect but ALSO (believe it or not, Mr. Client) sell more/increase awareness/etc. - whatever the goal was. Clients always think we're out to screw them and we only look out for our portfolio or awards. It's not the case. If we were to create something that looked awesome but hurt sales/damaged the brands reputation/etc., there is no way we'd be in business. Yes, we want to do good, creative work but we also want the client's business to succeed. That reflects well on us too. DUH.

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